
Hello! Welcome to my Portfolio! Click/Tap the sections to see projects from that category!

My name is Rowan Parnell and I'm a Full Stack Software/Game Developer. My middle name is Christopher, making my initials RCP which you will see referenced throughout my projects. I have spent my whole life learning about software and games and how they work. I love to learn about new programming languages, game engines, frameworks, software and more so that my work can always be the best it can be and I have plenty to do in my spare time. I also enjoy the fact that I can improve people's lives by making software, this is why I volunteer my code for free and make it open source. This is especially true when I'm able to communicate with clients, users and other developers, including the ones I've had the pleasure of working with when in or leading a team to create a project. Without software I wouldn't have met all these great people and I hope to continue expanding that number.

Current FiveM Projects

Current RedM Projects

Other Projects

Grand Theft Auto Five Logo FiveM Logo

Grand Theft Auto Five & FiveM

Lua / HTML / CSS / JS

Since 2017 I have primarily been creating projects in FiveM and RedM which are frameworks owned by Rockstar Games that modify Grand Theft Auto Five and Red Dead Redemption Two into a sandbox that allows an unlimited number of players to connect to a server and play together. This allows anyone to create anything they could imagine through C# or Lua. It also has a Chromium browser embedded so that websites can be added or used for user interfaces which can then send data to and from the client side Lua. Most projects also require server side Lua to manage everything and usually a database will be interacted with through it. This brings a constant new life to the game and as such has a massive community that work together to create great work.

These projects range from simple menus for developers to complex systems intended to be used on large servers. There are simple menus that make my job faster when testing things, proof of concepts for jobs and missions you could do in a server such as a firefighter or a sanitation worker or even a police officer using a body camera. There are also projects that can change the way the combat mechanics of the game work such as recoil and vehicles can be easily tested and customised for any need.

Red Dead Redemption Two Logo RedM Logo

Red Dead Redemption Two & RedM

Lua / HTML / CSS / JS

Coming out in late 2019 after the game was released on PC, RedM quickly took over as the more popular framework for me as the game is far more complex than GTA V. Due to this, it still being in heavy development and there being less documentation of how RDR II worked, it was harder for the less experienced developers to program. This is when I started voluntarily releasing my developer tools I was creating to the forum so that people could start working on RedM a little faster.

The projects I've developed have improved my other projects and have made it very easy for me to test things in the game so I can develop on concepts. There are also projects for cinematic camera work so that users can create amazing masterpieces of art and video art using RDR II. The largest projects are the start of my own collection of projects which I'm developing to use as a framework for more projects going forward. The Character selection and clothing options allows a user to create a character and have them look the way they want using the complex configurations the base game has. This framework will also include things the characters can interact with and they can hold items using the inventory and store items in various locations as well as more functionality. There is also a user interface heads up display that shows the statistics of the character and these can be changed by many factors such as needing to eat when hungry so your character doesn't starve and there is a complex system for stamina and damage. The gold panning script is the first example of a project that uses the framework as it uses the inventory to work and the second is the train conductor job as it uses the framework to check if the character can do that job.

C Sharp Logo C Plus Plus Logo

C# / Python / Java / Haskell

Projects I have created in multiple different programming languages that were for University, College or fun. I studied computer science and information technology prior to working on FiveM and RedM and other projects. This is a collection of almost every piece of work I submitted while taking the courses.

I don't spend much time on other projects hence why this list is lacking anything recent. I instead like to work on learning about programming languages, frameworks, game engines and software. The projects I hope to add to this list are my ideas for games that I would like to create using GameMaker Studio and then later recreate them in 3D using Unreal Engine. I have created design development documents to flesh out my ideas for 5 games currently and I hope to be able to start putting them into creation soon.